Welcome to the CSC Prep4Camp site!
Fun videos and other awesome stuff to help you get the most out of overnight summer camp

If this is your first time here, hooray! It takes just one minute to register, using your email and a password that’s easy to remember. Have the camp’s “Secret Handshake Password” ready, then click the orange Register button below.

If you’ve already created your account, just click the blue Login button below and start by watching Summer Camp Success. You’ll also enjoy the other great Prep4Camp resources, including the Parent Podcast and the Camper Tip Sheet.


If you’ve created your Prep4Camp account, then
you can login right now to access your content!


Grab the “Secret Handshake Password” that camp gave you, then
take one minute to create your very own Prep4Camp account.

About Camp St. Charles

Nestled on a peninsula on the shores of the Charleston Creek and Wicomico River is a little piece of heaven called Camp St. Charles. Our rustic cabins provide the ideal setting for personal growth, connecting with God and His Creation and unplugging from the busyness of modern life. Camp St. Charles is a place to take a break from cell phones and other electronics and get dirty in the great outdoors!